Vision, Mission, Purpose, Strategic Objectives and Values

Our vision:
Is to continue to grow into a national institution with international standards and to activate our role as a connecting link between leading tobacco companies worldwide and the MENA markets in terms of production, manufacturing and export of the finest tobacco products and alternative tobacco products to adult consumers.
Our mission:
Is to improve the quality of tobacco cultivation while supporting local farmers, and to produce, sell, import and export a varied portfolio of high-quality tobacco products and tobacco alternatives for adult consumers.
Our purpose:
Is to support our national economy by transferring the profits of the tobacco sector to the Lebanese treasury and to continue help farmers remain rooted in their lands. This is the commitment we have made on ourselves to contribute positively to our society and promote stability in our local communities.
Our Strategic Objectives:
- Improve the quality of the local plant and search for acceptable alternatives in the global market.
- Attract global tobacco partnerships to be the strategic partner of choice for the leading companies in the industry, to manufacture their tobacco brands and smoking alternatives in our facilities, by providing them with the latest top-notch technologies and complying with the world-in class standards.
- Increase the Government revenues from the tobacco sector by being one of the most prominent contributors to the national Treasury.
- Fight illicit trade thus protecting the national economy.
- Open up to foreign markets and meeting the aspirations of local and regional consumers through the diversity of products we offer, the quality standards we adopt and the technological advancement we follow.
- Gain competitive positioning in the regional markets.
- Become an employer of choice by creating a safe, advanced, productive and skill-enhancing work environment.